By Gotson Pierre Reposted by AlterPresse from Latinamerica Press Identified mainly by their physical features, Haitian migrants in the (...)
- Haïti-Violence : Plusieurs familles fuient Cité Soleil, en raison d’affrontements entre des gangs rivaux
- Haïti-Usa/Migration : Les migrant-e-s haïtiens en danger dans l’Ohio, avec les accusations racistes à leur encontre, s’inquiète le Garr
- Haïti-Criminalité : Le Ministère à la condition féminine exige une enquête sur l’assassinat de l’un de ses cadres
Press Statement By Mark C. Toner, Deputy Department Spokesperson Released on August 14, 2015, in Washington, DC Republished by AlterPresse (...)
Press release from Human Rights Watch Transmitted to AlterPresse on Octobre 4, 2014 The inability of Haiti’s courts to bring to trial former (...)
Par Marcel Duret Submitted to AlterPresse Why should I write? Well! It has been more than three months since the subject matter has been (...)
News story about Gotson Pierre honored as “information hero” Published on May 2, 2014 on the WACC website WACC member and former director (...)
WACC Declaration on May 3, World Press Freedom Day 2013 Published by AlterPresse The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2013 is “Safe to (...)
Statement by Jean Claude Mukadi Haiti National Director, World Vision Transmitted to AlterPresse on March 23, 2013 World Vision deplores (...)
P-au-P., March 21 2013 [AlterPresse] – Two Haitian journalists were attacked by a man working for the humanitarian organization World Vision on (...)
By Marcel Duret * Submitted to AlterPresse on March 17, 2013 In October 1999, after only 8 months in office, President Hugo Chavez made a (...)
By Robert Shaw Bogota, Feb. 19, 2013 [AlterPresse] --- Jerry slip-sides deftly under the night sky lighting up the broken walls of Haiti´s (...)