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Trinidad Police Association head welcomes Alum’s call: “We’ve nothing to hide”

Port of Spain, 14 Dec. 05 [AlterPresse] --- President of the Police Association, Cedric Neptune, has welcomed the call by Desmond Allum, SC, for an independent police complaints commission.

“We welcome it as an organisation. From where we sit we have nothing to hide,” Neptune said yesterday.

At a forum on ethics hosted by UNC political leader Winston Dookeran at the Centre of Excellence on Sunday, Allum made the call for the independent commission, free from the practice of policemen probing their counterparts accused of wrongdoing.

Allum said there could be no public confidence in the service if police continued to investigate themselves. He said accountability was important for a police service wounded by a lack of public trust.

In response, Neptune said he believed the police body was fair in dealing with complaints against their own.

Neptune noted that at present there are a number of police officers serving time in prison, as well as others who would have served prison time for various offences.

“It is nothing to boast about, but these police officers were found guilty and incarcerated, based on the investigation and the evidence of police officers.”

He said he also recognised the perception Allum alluded to in terms of public trust.

To this extent, he said, an independent body might help to lend credibility to the service and enhance its image in ensuring that police were properly investigated when allegations were made against them. [Exilus Deceyon apr 14/12/2005 13:40]